This is not an original idea. I read it in a magazine, but I don’t remember when or which one or who wrote it, so hopefully that disclaimer will keep me from getting slapped with a plagiarism suit. But the idea is a good one and I want to share it with you. It was about super powers that each of us has, and how we have to build up our positive attributes and quit focusing on the negative by identifying and strengthening those super powers.
Immediately after identifying one super power that I think I have, I came up with a whole bunch that I do not have, and wish I had, and started thinking about how I could get them. But the point is to stay away from the negative and focus on the positive! So I will share with you that I think I have really strong will power. People who know me might phrase it as “stubbornness” but I do try really hard not to cross that line.
Now, if I could have super
hero powers, I would choose invisibility and the ability to fly. I think those would be the coolest. My friend Jennifer said she would like to be able to time travel. I’m a little more hesitant about that one (as if it matters), because if I went too far back in time they would not have Diet Coke. What would I do then? Run around asking people if they had carbonated water and caramel color I could borrow for a quick fix?
Here is a super hero workout for you to try this weekend. I’m going to do it this afternoon, since I have to work out by myself. Becky thinks that just because she works today from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m., the two hour break she has in the afternoon should be time for her to go home and relax. Whatever.
While you’re working out, think about what super powers you have. We’d love to hear them!
If you wonder what it’s like to be a superhero, try this workout.
You will feel strong enough to beat the bad guy and save the day.
Set 1: The Superman Set
- 5 minute warm-up on the treadmill to make you faster than a speeding bullet.
- 3 sets of 12 bench press to make you more powerful than a locomotive.
- 3 sets of 12 leg press to make you able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
Set 2: The Kryptonite Set
- Kryptonite can’t stop you! Do 20 push-ups followed immediately by 20 dips.
Set 3: The Batman & Robin Set
- Riddle me this, Batman: What does a bat do in the air? (It FLIES! 3 sets of 12 flyes on the bench).
- Holy weightlifting, Batman! Do 3 sets of 12 bicep curl/overhead press.
- Kapow! Zap! Bang! Fight flabby arms with 3 sets of 12 triceps kickbacks.
Set 4: The Spiderman Set - In honor of Spidey’s 8-legged symbol, do one set each of the following at the heaviest weight you can.
- 8 cable row
- 8 stability ball squats
- 8 front raises
- 8 upright row
- 8 bent over lat raise
- 8 bicep curl
- 8 triceps extension
- 8 lat pull down
Set 5: The Wonder Woman Set
- You are as strong as Wonder Woman as you do 50 crunches.
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