Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Floppy Slappy

Monday, while trail running, Nancy kept hearing a strange sound. It kind of sounded like “floppy slappy, floppy slappy, floppy slappy.” She only heard it on her right side. At first she thought perhaps it was something in her pocket that was bouncing around as she ran. Then she remembered that she didn’t have pockets and probably wouldn’t have put anything in them even if she had. Next she thought maybe it was water sloshing around in her stomach, since she has been trying to hydrate more to alleviate the side stitch she often gets while running. But the sound didn’t seem to be coming from her stomach.

Suddenly she realized that her right triceps, instead of being all lean and toned and firm like it’s supposed to be, was flopping around like a flag in a breeze and hitting against her torso as she ran. It was only her right triceps, though, so she tried to convince herself that it was just that she was holding that arm too tight against her side. She tried loosening up her arm but still she could hear it. Floppy slappy, floppy slappy, floppy slappy. How had she never noticed this before?

When she runs on the treadmill she uses her iPod for entertainment. Probably everyone else in the gym could hear the floppy slappy triceps when she ran, but she couldn’t. How embarrassing!

Now instead of just having to worry about proper hydration, form, speed, time, distance, blah blah blah, she also has to worry about keeping her triceps quiet. This may be too much to take.

Her triceps had to be punished for their disloyalty. All the other muscles are doing their parts and it just isn’t fair for the triceps to let them down. Tuesday, in addition to the full body workout, the triceps had to do push-ups, triceps extensions, triceps pressdowns and dips. We will have no more of this insubordination.

Today Nancy can hardly lift her water bottle, but it will be well worth it this afternoon if she can have a quiet run.

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