Monday, February 14, 2011

Sabotage in the Workplace

Your workplace can be a great source of support when it comes to eating right and exercising. Or it can be the source of your greatest downfall. May I present as evidence:

Exhibit A:

My office is a great place to work if you try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Everybody tries to eat right, most of the time, and exercise on a fairly regular basis. A group of us walk at lunch, at least on the days when the weather is not so bitter cold. The lunch offerings near our building, for those days when we don’t bring something from home, include places where you can find healthy soups or salads, and a deli where they will fix a sandwich any way you want. And we don’t have a vending machine. You have to walk down the block to the pharmacy if you want some junk food, and then you have to be really sure you want it, because there will be commentary from your co-workers.

Exhibit B:

I used to work at a place that was not quite so good for the will power. It was a large office. Someone was having a birthday every time you took a breath, which meant we all brought in treats and cake. Someone brought in donuts at least once a week, usually more. I can’t believe that on a fairly regular basis I used to eat those big glazed honey bun things with chocolate frosting all over the top. Secretaries’ Month (yes, I know some people celebrate Secretaries’ Day, but there we celebrated all month) was a complete breakdown of defenses: lunches out, food brought in, treats to take home, etc. If all else failed, there was a whole bank of vending machines filled with healthy choices like Cheeto’s and M&M’s. No wonder my behind was as wide as an ax handle. It’s hard to say no to a constant barrage of temptations like that.

My point is this:

If you work someplace like Exhibit A, great! Thank whoever is responsible for that and keep up the good work.

But if you work someplace like Exhibit B, it’s going to be a lot tougher. You have to be a lot tougher. Start small, by bringing healthy choices for the pitch-ins. You might find that you are not the only person who wishes they did not have to fight temptation so hard. Try to eat a healthy breakfast so you don’t hear those donuts calling to you quite so loudly. Bring a good healthy lunch to work with you so that you don’t need to hit the vending machine in the afternoon. Try to get some cardio every day. Your workplace may never be Exhibit A, but with a little planning and a LOT of will power, you can make some positive changes in Exhibit B.

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